What is a Chiropractic adjustment?

It is a small thrust applied to the spine or extremity applied by hand by the doctor.

How often should I get adjusted?

Every individual is so unique that this will be different for everyone. Many WANT to get regularly adjusted because they feel and function better. It never hurts to schedule your first appointment to learn more about what Chiropractic can do for you, how often adjustments are needed for your individual needs and better support your nervous system & body.

How long will it take for my pain to go away?

Many find even slight pain relief after just one Chiropractic adjustment. It takes pressure off of the nerves in your spine and allows that area to be able to move and work properly. While many start out going for pain relief, many want to keep coming for all the benefits of a better functioning nervous system and better functioning body overall.

What is the “popping” sound?

When this sound occurs during an adjustment, it is due to gas leaving the joint. It does not indicate a good adjustment and it does not indicate a bad adjustment. A good adjustment is indicated by better motion and nerve irritation reduced or eliminated post adjustment.

How do I know if I have a misalignment in my spine?

Often times pain is one of the last symptoms to show up when there is a misalignment in the spine. Getting your spine checked regularly by a Chiropractor can further help prevent pain and help the body function optimally.

Does Chiropractic only help with pain?

While Chiropractic is great for pain, it truly is all about your nervous system, which controls everything. Getting Chiropractic care allows your body to function optimally, because everything in the body is in communication with one another. It can help with immunity, hormone imbalance, digestive troubles, trouble sleeping, brain fog and much more.